You are not a "person"

I've talking about this for years but nobody wanted to listen, but now, in this hoax virus epidemic reality, this knowledge has real applicability, which, if you comprehend, can save your life.

Here it is.  Straight to the point.  You are not a person, and exactly 100% of any kind of law that claims "you" must wear a mask or get a vaccine, or do anything at all doesn't ever say it applies to you(the man or woman), but instead only "persons".

Luckily for us "person" is included in all state statutes definitions chapters, and it never includes a man or a woman.

Etymologically speaking, person is as many words are, a combination of two shorter words. Allow me to paraphrase some definitions: "per" meaning through or on behalf of.  "son", meaning offspring or creation.  And so, therefore, person means acting on behalf of some creation... per the son... "person".  Yes, it really is that literal.  Aren't words fun?!  Also, here's an interesting clip from Black's Law dictionary under Person: "A person is such, not because he is human, but because rights and duties are ascribed to him.".  You do NOT want either the rights or the duties mentioned.

Now let's get into the dirt.  A quick mind may be now thinking "who's creation" and "what creation".  The answer is simple.  "The state" (corporation) is the creator, and it's creations are other corporations/legal fictions.  Surely you've heard the phrase "child corporation".  To be more specific, and to stay in context, the creation I'm referring to is the legal fiction named on the state birth certificate.  These fictions are child corporations of the corporations we currently refer to as government.  Yes, that's right, "your" "name" (FIRST LAST) is not "you", it is a legal fiction, like BEST BUY or STARBUCKS, and you are not the owner/creator of it.

Also, on a fun side note, "corporation" is also one of those words made up of two smaller words and their related meanings.  "corpse" (a dead body), "oration" (speaking).  Yep, a dead body that speaks...hmm, like necromancy?? Hmm like a court "summons"... That calls forth one of their dead things,  corpse-orations, so it can make an "appearance" and speak at a "hearing", hmm, like a seance... Necromancy confirmed.

Also, to talk a bit about a related word, identify.  In the legal world, the word identify means sameness, or to be considered as united or associated.  This is why anyone can identify as anything they want.  It is a choice.  Identification is not a proclamation of what you ARE, it is a proclamation that you wish to be considered associated with something else.

Governments have power over their creations, just as we have power over our children when they are young.

Now you know why a police officer is absolutely trained to make sure you "identify" as one of the state entities.  Because it is this creation of the state that he has power over.  He is an agent of the state, given power over persons, through countless statutes.  But remember, all statues say they apply to persons, never people.

The modern complete definition of "person" in the legal world is "a man, considered according to the rank he holds in society".

Yep that's right, not just a man, but a man that has agreed hold a rank in the jural society.  What are these ranks, here's a few: resident, citizen, tax payer, voter, officer.  Many other ranks exist underneath the umbrella of the states fictional world.  Always remember, this is a world of make-believe, it has no physicality.

Despite this fact of non-physicality, the whole point of this convoluted system is to enslave you, physically, and otherwise.  And now we get to "how they do it" and how you fall into the trap...

The agents of the state trick you into identifying as one of their creations.  You are tricked verbally and in writing.  For example, simply answering in the affirmative to a police officers "Good morning Sir" creates what is called tacit agreement, a verbal contract, to you being a Sir, one of the ranks in their society.  Now you are a person, which means you must obey the statute that says you "must identify" [as one of the specific creations of the state].  Of course next he will ask for an ID, because you have just proven you are required to have one on you.

Their trickery of how they get you to identify goes deep.  This is why you need to start learning the definitions of words.  Words are weapons in their world of fiction.

And now, the crescendo, how to use this knowledge to save your life.  Never identify as one of their creations or anything that exists in their fictional world.  Simply stop volunteering to step into the offices (ranks in society) (their society) they create for you.  It does take some education to know what words to avoid, but it's possible, and imperative to learn.

Yes, we're in deep, yes people continue to say the phrase "on my person" without even thinking what it means, yes it is "your" "person" that is employed at your job, yes it is "your" "person" who has access to "your" bank account. And on and on.

We are in deep, deep in these satanists monopoly game.  We go about our days reaching down onto the game board, pushing the silver hat and thimble (persons) around, playing by the rules of the game (their jural society), bitching and moaning as "they're taking away our rights"... Nope their system never granted rights in the first place, only temporary privileges.  Billions of people, over many decades, feeling enslaved, and all this time, to return to freedom, all we had to do was stop playing the game.  That's right, you could have gone home to freedom at any time, tap your heals together...hmm...

I can't tell you how to smoothly make the transition from playing the game to not playing.  I am telling you that you must try.

Continue your journey here:!:c

Everything You Know About the United States and its Laws is WRONG:


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